Chief among these is the vast poetic compilation known as the Conte del Graal. This mass of over 60,000 verses came into existence between 1180 and 1235, or 1240, but we can only date with any accuracy the section which extends from v. 1283 to v. 10,601, and is the work of the most celebrated French poet of the twelfth Century, Crestien de Troies, who began to write about 1150, has left a number of romances, mostly belonging to the Arthur cycle, and who died about 1183. He himself states that he took the story from a book given him by a Count Philip of Flanders, who died, Crusading, in 1191, after having been Regent of France in 1180-81.

Quelle: The Legends of The Holy Grail, Alfred Nutt, London 1902, S. 5f