Die dankbaren Terroristen

Im Herbst 2002 tritt in Deutschland verstärkt die Sage von den "dankbaren Terroristen" in verschiedener Form auf:

Version I:

In einem Einkaufszentrum findet ein Mädchen / ein Kunde eine Tasche voller Geld.
Sie gibt sie an der Information ab, der Besitzer, ein Araber, bietet ihr vergeblich einen Finderlohn an - schließlich warnt er sie: "Gehe bis Weihnachten nicht mehr hier einkaufen".

Wir haben die Geschichte jetzt aus mehreren Quellen gehört, "Tatort" ist das "CentrO" in Oberhausen.

Version II:

Eine Freundin von mir hat vor kurzem hier in Mannheim eine Geldbörse gefunden mit 400,- Euro. Sie hat sich umgeschaut, ob irgendjemand da ist, dem sie gehört, aber niemand war zu sehen. So hat sie sie eingesteckt und wollte sie zum Fundbüro bringen.

Als sie wegging, hat sie sich noch einmal umgedreht und sah einen dunkelhäutigen Mann an eben jener Stelle etwas suchen. Sie ist zurückgegangen und hat ihn gefragt, was er denn suche. Er sagte, eine Geldbörse.

Sie fragte ihn, wie diese aussähe, welche Farbe. Er beschrieb sie genau so, wie diese, die sie gefunden hatte. Sie meinte zu ihm, sie habe sie gefunden, und gab sie ihm zurück.

Er bedankte sich herzlich bei ihr und wollte ihr Finderlohn geben. Als sie das ablehnte, sagte er, dann gebe er ihr einen Rat, Sie solle am nächsten Samstag nicht in einen bestimmte Laden nebenan gehen.

Und als diese Freundin von mir dies auf einer Fete letztens erzählt hatte, sagte eine andere, ihr sei genau das gleiche passiert, genau an der gleichen Stelle. Und der Mann habe den gleichen Tag genannt, an dem
sie nicht in diesen Laden gehen sollte."

Version III:

Eine junge Frau hilft einem wie auch immer fremdländisch aussehenden Mann (bei der Supermarktkasse oder mit der verlorenen Brieftasche) und der Mann ist so dankbar, dass er sie warnt, zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt etwas zu essen, trinken, zu tun (z.B. zu einem Fest zu gehen).

Diese urbane Legende stammt in der modernen Form aus Amerika (ich vermute es gibt ältere Versionen, die auch aus Europa stammen), sie ist aber (mindestens) seit dem 11.9.2001 in Deutschland angekommen und erst vor kurzem (Februar 2003) in Verbindung mit den Rosenmontagszügen aufgetaucht.

Version IV:

Der Anschlag auf Kaufhäuser (Mall) an Halloween:

Ein Mädchen erhält einen Brief von ihrem verschollen afghanischen Freund, der sie warnt, dass Terroristen einen Anschlag an Halloween gegen amerikanische Kaufhäuser planen.
Eine Frau, die freundlich zu einem Fremden war, wird von diesem gewarnt, dass sie lieber die Innenstadt von Birmingham am nächsten Tag meiden soll. Hier ist der Fremde in einigen Versionen nicht Araber sondern

Ähnliche Gerüchte kamen kurz nach Pearl Harbour auf.
Eine Unterart beschäftigt sich mit vergifteten Süßigkeiten zu Halloween.

Die vergiftete Cola (Pepsi)

Nachdem ein scheinbarer Terrorist geholfen bekam, warnt dieser seinen Wohltäter (meist eine Frau), CocaCola (oder Pepsi) zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt lieber nicht zu trinken.

die derzeit neuste und in Deutschland spielende:
(von mir selbst gehört, vom Freund eines Freundes natürlich :-) und aus dem Radio)

Eine Frau findet eine Brieftasche und bringt sie dem Besitzer (einem Araber) nach Hause, der freut sich so sehr und will ihr einen Finderlohn geben, den sie aber ablehnt. Es sei doch selbstverständlich, sagt sie. Der Mann ist so gerührt, dass er ihr beim Hinausgehen die Warnung zu flüstert, sie möge doch lieber am Rosenmontag nicht auf die Karnevalsumzüge gehen. Das sei besser für sie.

Ein Typischer Spruch, der das Erzählen oder Schreiben dieser Warnungen begleitet, lautet: This may be cobblers . . . but better safe than sorry after what happened in the US!

Lieber auf nummer Sicher gehen als im Nachhinein des Besseren belehrt...

Version V:

Hier nun ein paar 'original' Fassungen der Legenden (die in emails kursieren) auf Englisch:

Vergiftetes Candy zu Halloween:

A news I get from my friend....be careful.....

yesterday, two arabians went into the Costco in Wayne, NJ and bought five thousand $ worth of candy. So costco called the cops and told them. The FBI cought one of the arabians and the other one got away with the candy. The arabic that got caught was illegaly in the country and the FBI thinks the candy is a way to spread the Anthrax virus. send this to 15 people to help protect the country and our kids who will be trick or treating on October 31..

Anschlag auf Malls zu Halloween:

Hi All -

I think you all know that I don't send out hoaxes and don't do the reactionary thing and send out anything that crosses my path. This one, however, is a friend of a friend and I've given it enough credibility in my
mind that I'm writing it up and sending it out to all of you.

My friend's friend was dating a guy from Afghanistan up until a month ago.
She had a date with him around 9/6 and was stood up. She was understandably upset and went to his home to find it completely emptied. On 9/10, she received a letter from her boyfriend explaining that he wished he could tell her why he had left and that he was sorry it had to be like that. The part worth mentioning is that he BEGGED her not to get on any commercial airlines on 9/11 and to not to go any malls on Halloween. As soon as everything happened on the 11th, she called the FBI and has since turned over the letter. This is not an email that I've received and decided to pass on. This came from a phone conversation with a long-time friend of mine last night. I may be wrong, and I hope I am. However, with one of his warnings being
correct and devastating, I'm not willing to take the chance on the second and wanted to make sure that people I cared about had the same information that I did.

Laura Katsis

Vergiftete Cola:

A young woman is next in line at Target. When the man (apparently of mid-Eastern descent) in front of her doesn't have enough money she offers him a dollar to make up the difference. He is extremely grateful and wants to make it up to her. She declines and he leaves. The woman pays for her merchandise and then leaves the store. Upon exiting she is confronted by the man. He continues to thank her saying that what she did is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done and since she did something nice for him, he wants to do something nice for her. He tells her not to drink any Coke or Pepsi products after 8/3 and quickly leaves.

A friend of Marla, Jimi, and their friend Alex M*******; shared with them an incident that happened to his mother while shopping at Food Lion in Kannapolis. She was behind a man of eastern decent. He was six dollars short having the amount of money to pay for his groceries. Jed's mother handed him a ten dollar bill, he thanked her very warmly over and over. He waited on her just outside of the store and began to thank her again. He said she has been the only person since coming to this country that has been nice to him.
He became very serious looking and told her not to drink anymore Coke products after this weekend.

She went to the police station and reported the incident. They are going to notify the proper authorities to check it out.

Die Birmingham-Variante

This may be cobblers . . . but better safe than sorry after what happened in the US!
Pass on to anyone who may be in Birmingham on October 6th

Hi everyone!

Anyone that knows me well will know that I don't believe in much. I don't believe in ghosts or all that, and if I get one of those "Pass this email on to 50 million people and you will be rich, if you don't you will die etc
etc" emails, I just delete them. I want you all to pass this email on to as many people as you know, its not a chain email, but pass it on all the same.

Right then, I got home from work last night and went round to my best mates.
The first words his mum said to me even before she said hello was "don't go into Birmingham on October 6th".

She explained to me that a woman from her work was in Birmingham on saturday afternoon, and she was in one of those cash and carry warehouses where you can buy cheap stuff, and anyway, there was an indian/asian looking man in front of her who was struggling to get enough money together to pay for
everything in his basket, so she gave him a pound coin so he could pay the 68p or whatever he owed.

When she left the shop he was waiting for her outside. He asked her for her name and address and said that he would give her the money back, but she told him not to worry about it. He then said "Ok, you have done me a good turn today so I shall do you one back, do not come into Birmingham town centre on october the 6th".

She didn't take much notice of him, but like me, the more she thought about it, the more she worried, so she went to the police. They took her very seriously and showed her mug shots of known islamic supporters and members of extreme groups in Birmingham, and she saw the man in the book of mugshots.

So, i'm just warning you, if you were going to go to Brum Town Centre on the 6th of October, then I wouldn't. I wasn't going to send this because I didn't want to worry people/look stupid when nothing happened on Oct 6th, but I thought that if I didn't say anything and something happened then I would never forgive myself, so its worth the risk of looking a bit daft.
Also, the 6th of October is the England/Greece game, when there are likely to be a lot of people in town's pubs n bars watching it, so if they wanted to do something nasty, it would be a good time.

Please pass this on to anyone you think might go into Birmingham Town Centre on the 6th of October. If you don't pass this email on, you will not get bad luck, and if you pass it on to more than 5 people you won't get good luck, but you might stop someone from getting caught up in whatever supposed to be
going on on October the 6th. This is not a chain e-mail.

Just heard from Jackie - this is a very erie story. A co-worker just told her that she and her husband were shopping at a Costco last night and they were checking out behind an Arab couple. The Arabs did not have enough money to pay their bill so she offered to give them the money. They said we can't pay you back but we can give you some information instead. They said to stay away from the Baltimore tunnels (specifically, the Harbor Tunnel) for the next few days. She called the FBI and they showed her the new Most Wanted
list that just came out and he was one of them - the FBI has not been able to find him - he's apparently still living in Laurel. This woman was so upset that she came to work today and then went home.

It amazing that these people are living amongst us and even with their families and kids in our schools. Anyway, Jackie said they are checking all trucks going into and out of the Balt. tunnels. She advised staying away from Baltimore period through this weekend at least. Tell anyone you think might be affected by this.


Anmerkung: dies ist ein komplexes Sagenthema, das ursprünglich als Warn-Sagen-Klassiker nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 wieder verstärkt auftritt. (Vergl. auch "Gefährliche Nachbarn").
Meldungen über bevorstehende Terroranschläge gehen im Herbst 2002 weltweit durch die Medien, etwa "Festgenommene planten Anschlag auf US-Supermarkt" im Spiegel, der von anderen Medien dementiert wird, etwa: "Geplanter Terroranschlag von Heidelberg entpuppt sich als Hirngespinst" und andere.
Manche Fälle könnten auch politische Taktik enthalten, die keinesfalls Thema von SAGEN.at ist.
Sie finden hier nur vergleichende Erwähnung zur Dokumentation.

Quelle: Version I: E-Mail-Zusendung von Radio Lippewelle, Hamm, 18. November 2002

Quelle: Version II: E-Mail-Zusendung von Jürgen Sutter, Freiburg, 5. Februar 2003, der diese Sage am 15. Dezember 2002 von einem Freund aus Mannheim gehört hat.

Quelle: Version III: E-Mail-Zusendung von Cornelia Stella Gliem, 11. März 2003

Quelle: Version IV: E-Mail-Zusendung von Cornelia Stella Gliem, 11. März 2003

Quelle: Version V: E-Mail-Zusendung von Cornelia Stella Gliem, 11. März 2003, die feststellt, daß all diese Geschichten vom Freundlichen Terroristen sich unterordnen lassen in die Geschichten vom Freundlichen Fremden und der Moral:
Sei freundlich zu Fremden - eine gute Tat kann dich retten.